Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Fariy tales

Hi bloggers, i want to talk about fariy tales what is with them there taling us that the bad guys lose, bad guys haft to win once, i think that the bad guys are bad for a reason like the loved someone and it didn't work out. the world isn't a great place so i think in some movies or books the good guys should lose sometimes bad guys should get a chance for victory. But i get that little kids get scared but they should see a movie that has a bad guy win and the good guy says 'ya i like losing its fine as long as your not a bully" i don't no something like that. If you think that fariy tales should have a beter message then make a comment.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


In shaunas class were doing the where project and the where project is super fun
because what you do is you pick anything thats not alive and you find out everything
about the thing and where it comes from and how its made. Im doing COCA COLA.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Fun facts about Qatar!!!!!!!!!

One of the cool facts about Qatar is theres 885,000
they also have weird signs that look like they walk sign
but with a little twistQatar Streetsign by Jenny Rollo at

Doha a long time ago was a fishing villige and in that villige there where pearl fishers that where looking for there money with the pearls they found. Qatar is a rich country and it is the secoud richest country in the world after Lichtenstein. And did you know that Qatar is one of the smaest country? 

Qatar wants an alternative school!

There are people coming to are school and there from Qatar and there thinking of making an alternative school, so there going to come and watch us and they are going to decide if they want to put an alternative
school in there country. 

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Hi bloggers

Hi bloggers its Mel I'm sitting on the couch with Pedro
and I'm having fun writing a blog post. Milo is chirping

Vote for funnyest cat video.


I love this video its so cute.


Hi peoples of the world its Mel again. I want to show you a cool blog my teacher made.


Hey its Melodee, but you can call me Mel or Melapus. today i made a new
blog and im so HAPPY! But sadly i don't know how to do much on my blog
but my teacher will show me how.